We are an affiliate of Campus Crusade for Christ International ® www.cru.org
C/O Campus für Christus e.V.
Am Unteren Rain 2
D-35394 Giessen
| Created by Wavemakers Agency
Instituti Jeta e Re
“Movements everywhere”
Address: Rruga Themistokli Gërmenji,
Nr 6 Tiranë, Albania
Campus für Christus
“Reflecting God’s love”
Address: Gerhard-Bronner-Straße 1/1A, A-1100 Wien, Austria
Agape Life Belgium
“Help to understand what it means to have a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ.”
Address: Van Den Nestlei #29 Apt 2, 2018 Antwerp Belgium
Агапе България (Agape Bulgaria)
“Let us work to create Christian movements everywhere so that every person may know some true follower of the Lord Jesus Christ.”
Address: ul. “Jerusalem” 15, 1784 Mladost 1, Sofia, Bulgaria
Udruga Fokus
“Build spiritual movements until everyone in Croatia knows someone who truly follows Christ.”
Address: Kutnjački put 11, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska
Nový život
“Give every person in the Czech Republic the opportunity to get to know the person of Jesus Christ.”
Address: Jindřicha Plachty 3311/18, 150 00 Praha 5, Czech Republic
Agape Eesti
“Give every person in Estonia the opportunity to understand the message of Christ.”
Address: K. E. von Baeri 1-7, Tartu 51005
Kansan Raamattuseura
“Living by grace, proclaiming Jesus.”
Address: PL 48, 08101 Lohja, Finland
Agapé France
“Help everyone, wherever they are, to DISCOVER, LIVE OUT and SHARE faith in Jesus.”
Address: BP29, 77831 Ozoir la Ferrière Cedex, France
Campus für Christus
“Reflecting God’s Love.”
Address: Am Unteren Rain 2 | 35394 Gießen
Αγάπη (Agape)
“Help everyone to accept and implement the timeless Christian values and truths that people can change for the better, become truly happy, acquire a personal relationship with God, enjoy life to its fullness in peace, and change the world around them.”
Address: Karaiskaki 22, 54641, Thessaloniki, Greece
“Help fulfill the Great Commission through the power of the Holy Spirit by winning people to faith in Christ.”
Address: Budapest, Gönczy Pál u. 4, 1093 Hungary
Agapé Ireland
“Their mission is to make Jesus known and to help other believers to do likewise.”
Address: Ulysses House, 22-24 Foley Street, Dublin 1, D01 W2T2, Ireland
“We are an association that cares about the material and spiritual needs of people.”
Address: Via Camillo Cavour 104
50129 Florence, Italy
Agape Latvia
“Make disciples who walk by faith, communicate faith and multiply faith so that everyone knows someone who truly follows Jesus.”
Address: Lāčplēša 37, Rīga, LV-1011, Latvija
“Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we desire to worship God by helping to fulfill the Great Commission, and by working with the body of Christ to strive that everyone would have the opportunity to hear the Gospel and having become Disciples of Christ- train others.”
Address: S.Žukausko g. 39, 09130 Vilnius, Lithuania
CRU Moldova
Address: str. Drumul Schinoasei 6, Codru, Moldova
Cru Montenegro
“Together with the local church, we seek out people to whom we can show God’s unconditional love in Jesus Christ in words and actions.”
Address: Agapè, Hoofdstraat 51, 3971 KB Driebergen-Rijsenburg
Кру Македонија (Cru Macedonia)
“We want to see spiritual movements everywhere in North Macedonia, the Balkans, and beyond so that everyone knows someone who truly follows Jesus.”
Address: 20ti Oktomvri 8-1, 1000 Skopje, North Macedonia
Ruch Chrześcijański Mt28
“Everyone knows someone who follows Jesus.”
Address: ul. Polnej Róży 1 C, 02-798 Warszawa, Poland
AGAPE Portugal
“Tornar Jesus conhecido, de coração para coração.”
Porto Office
Rua Gonçalo Mendes da Maia, 1350 1F
4425.656 Pedrouços
Lisboa Office
Rua José dos Santos Pereira, 11 A
1500-145 Lisboa
Alege Viața
“Their goal is to reach every Romanian with the gospel.”
Address: 3 Aleea Lacul Morii, Bucharest, 060841, Romania
“Promotion of Christian values in all segments of society”
Address: Stanka Paunovica 43, 19300 Negotin
Agapé Slovakia
“Give people in Slovakia a chance to hear the gospel in a relevant way and if they respond to it positively, to help them draw closer to God, trust in Him and then grow spiritually toward becoming multiplying disciples.”
Address: Banšelova 19, 821 04 Bratislava, Slovakia
Agape Spain
“Seeing each person in Spain transformed by the unconditional love of God.”
Address: C/ Serpis, 68 bajo dcha.
Campus für Christus
“Carrying God’s love holistically into the different areas of society.”
Address: Campus für Christus
Hohlstrasse 535
CH-8048 Zürich
Україна для Христа (Ukraine for Christ)
“Spiritual movements everywhere so that everyone will know someone who truly follows Jesus.”
Address: 22 B Saksaganskogo Str., оffice 25 Kiev 01033, Ukraine
Agapé UK
“Discovering Jesus Together.”
Address: Hub, 167 Newhall Street, Birmingham, B3 1SW